The Barry Fuz Collection
This collection consists of approximately 1,000 colour slides of commercial shipping taken mainly in NSW ports during the 1990s. Barry spent most of his working life on the Sydney waterfront and had a front row seat as shipping passed through the port.
The SHF Maritime Records and Research Centre has a series of folders containing images of vessels which have been digitised and categorised with the headings below.
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Anyone interested in investigating the images is invited to contact the Curator of the SHF Maritime Records and Research Centre, either by phoning 02 9298 3888 or emailing [email protected]/home.
For costs and availability of obtaining any of these photos without watermark, as an electronic file, as a print from the original negative (where available) or as some other format, contact the Maritime Records and Research Centre’s Curator, quoting the full file name and giving details of format wanted.
Copyright for the majority of these images from the collection is vested in the Sydney Heritage Fleet. For the remaining images every attempt has been made to ensure correct attribution. If any originator of an image notes an error, the Sydney Heritage Fleet would welcome any notification and will remove that image or modify its attribution.
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Images of vessels operated by the Australian National Line.
Images of vessels operated by BHP Transport
Images of vessels operated by Blue Star Line.
Images of various Container vessels.
Images of Miscellaneous vessels.
Images of Tankers and Tugs.
TransTasman and Pacific Island Vessels
Images of TransTasman and Pacific Island vessels..